Diagnosis Protocal | Pre-Surgery Suggestions | Post-Op Healing

Everyday Recovery | Empower Yourself | Poetry | Tibetan Self Healing

A tip about how to empower yourself during your radiation treatment:

"If thoughts move matter, then maybe thoughts are matter,
and thoughts matter." Devo Cutler

While you are undergoing radiation treatment it may be helpful to take time to think positively. It was helpful for me (a breast cancer survivor) to do the following:

* Come up with an image or symbol that, for you, indicates your complete recovery, your total health.

* Put this image in your wallet, near a phone or in your bathroom.

* When you are feeling out of control, remember that you can change your thinking. And these thoughts can help the outcome of your illness.

Specifically, while you are undergoing the "THREE HITS" of radiation, you may want to focus your mind, meditate on your healing. During the first hit think about #1, during the second hit think about #2, during the third hit think about #3:


1) "This amazing, big, incredible, scary machine is giving me just enough to get well."

2) Focus on your "total health" symbol (I used the image of a heart inside a circle).

3) Think about yourself healthy years from today. I imagined myself as a ninety year-old woman sitting on a swing with my husband on a verandah, happy, having survived my illness.


Write down a list of things that you accomplished this last year!

1. _____________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________

6. (Something I choose to keep private)_____________________

Write down a list of a few things you are LOOKING FORWARD TO:

1. _____________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________
6. (Something I choose not to mention)________________________

DISCUSSION POINTS: "Architecture of Change"

The following is helpful when you are looking to change things in your life:

1) First you have to begin by acknowledging the need for change (where are you bankrupt? Where do you feel that you need to grow? How can you help yourself get through this as best as possible?)

2) Take a moment to write down or just think about any "loser patterns" in your life. People who are toxic or suck your energy, relationships that are not equitable.

3) Then look at the loss of energy, space, time, money being involved with these people or patterns.

4) Then make a commitment to change them, and begin to think about a new structure that could help you transform these situations. Sometimes just looking at the cost of the pattern or negative person in your life will get you off your duff to make some changes.

5) Then don't forget to grieve for yourself and grieve for others affected by these former bad habits. I like to write everything down and either tear it up and bury or burn it.
6) Design New Structure - what would be the ways that you could do things differently? For instance, don't answer the phone, have the service pick it up. Ask your kids to drive you to your treatments, etc.

7) Breakdown New Structure into action, build support with those you know support you and create new friends if you have to, friends who support your new healthier ways of being.

8) Acknowledge the change, celebrate. Have a "new you" birthday party. So what if you're bald? It's time to start your new life. Cancer has given you a chance. What are you going to do with it? It's up to you, the choices we make. A very wise person once told me, "Everyone is good and bad, but it is what we do that makes us more good than bad."

PLEASE NOTE: These techniques and other suggestions on this site are
intended as complementary suggestions to whatever your primary physician has
suggested that you do for your health and healing. These suggestions are
not intended to replace your doctors' and other healing practitioners'
advice. The BC Tool Kit's suggestions are intended to be supportive on your
self-healing journey, and are based on my own personal experiences and
antidotal data. They are steeped in my belief that it is important to take the
power back once you have been diagnosed with cancer. These self-help
techniques can be used to reinforce usual medical treatment -- techniques
for learning positive attitudes, relaxation, visualization, goal setting,
managing pain, exercise, and building an emotional and healing support team

Diagnosis Protocal | Pre-Surgery Suggestions | Post-Op Healing

Everyday Recovery | Empower Yourself | Poetry | Tibetan Self Healing



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